Monday, September 11, 2017

Prayers are answered and miracles happen!

I received my
birthday gift from home!
I'm so thankful that Grampa is ok! I was a little worried with Hurricane Irma heading straight for Punta Gorda. But as I prayed for a miracle, and studied the scriptures, my heart was put at ease. The Lord really does answer our prayers in so many ways. I know Grampa’s guardian angels were on full duty Sunday. As I was studying Doctrine & Covenants 31 (I love this chapter), it always puts my mind and heart at ease when I have struggles. In verse 5 where it states, "…your family shall live…", I knew that was God's promise to me that Grampa would be safe. I pray their home is also safe with little or no damage.

I had such a wonderful birthday! Sharon and Vikkie Essex surprised me with a very lovely party complete with my own tiara and a beautiful English Build-A-Bear! I will always remember them and all the wonderful people of Romford for helping me feel at home here! They made turning 20 away from home so much fun!

Me with my companion and
Lady, Vikkie Essex's horse!
I love singing time with
the little Primary kids!
My crazy district

You may find it hard to believe, but I have had the great opportunity to use my Spanish skills! It is so surprising to me that I am improving in Spanish while I'm out here! I’ve been studying the Book of Mormon in Spanish and have taught a few lessons in this beautiful language! This week a member in our ward who only speaks Spanish gave us a referral for her friend who also only speaks Spanish!! I'm so excited and can’t wait to begin teaching her and her three children! I'm so grateful for this opportunity to use my Spanish skills because I originally I wanted to serve a Spanish-speaking mission! But the Lord has been able to provide the best of both worlds by allowing me this opportunity while in England! He knows me so personally! I love it!!
Lewis and Miles' baptism

Miracle!! This week it was pouring and we had like 30 minutes before we had to head back home. We were one minute away from our appointment and I saw this guy with a little girl. I had to stop and talk to him. Turns out he's super interested in learning more about our Savior Jesus Christ and His great Plan of Happiness!! He has12 kids! Twelve!!! They are also interested. Twelve souls are coming home all because of the rain!! I love the rain....shhh don't tell Heavenly Father I said that, He'll make it pour!! 
Lewis and Miles 
receive the Priesthood!

This week was very good! I really am learning how to give everything to the people I serve, to give my whole soul to the Lord. It is a lot of work but work that is filled with so much love – totally worth all the effort! I love it!

I really love my Savior and He really loves me. It's cool because as I was saying my prayer yesterday, the bright sunny day turned into a thunderstorm out of the blue. We haven't had a thunderstorm since I’ve been here and I really miss them as and they calm me down a lot.  It was just proof to me that He knows what I need. Gosh I just love that man with my whole heart!

With member Dave and his friend Vinny

It's been a great week; every week is a great week as a missionary!! I love you all so much! God is real; Jesus Christ is real and this gospel is the real deal. I love all the miracles that are occurring as I serve the Lord. I love the people I get to teach and serve, and I most certainly love my Heavenly Father and His son, Jesus Christ!

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

It's been awhile since Mum updated my blog!

NOTE: It's been a long time since I've updated Lindsey's blog. It's not that there's been nothing to report. Quite the contrary. But, life has been crazy with preparations for our move to Phoenix and  I haven't had the chance to catch up. I feel badly because this missionary has been VERY busy touching lives and testifying of the Lord's hand in all things. The lack of blog posts is on her mom, me, and not Lindsey. I hope to do better in the coming weeks as our move date quickly approaches. Anyway, just know, she is doing well and is touching lives. Today's post is one experience of many that she has written about. Love this missionary of mine! -- Corinne Abeling

I feel blessed to learn that during this transfer, I'm staying in Romford, so I have seven more weeks here. My companion, whom I love, is moving and will be trained by the sister that I just trained last transfer! So cool! I will really miss Sister Stahlberg, but I'll be getting a sister from the visitor centre here so that will be so fun!!
Random guy on the street
wearing a Jerry mask!

This week we had the miracle of Myles and Lewis's baptism --  it was so special. We have really grown to love and adore this family. It's such a miracle how we found them…last transfer we were sitting on the bus and I saw this guy sitting in the back corner. I was looking for something to start the conversation and saw a west ham football bracelet on him. So, I shouted, " Hey, do you follow west ham? I love football, let's talk about football!"

We started a short conversation and started to talk about our father in heaven and he didn't quite believe in God so didn't take much of it. We ended the conversation and I handed him a card and went about our way.

Lindsey enjoying the sun
coming in the window.
Honestly, I didn't think much would come of it, it was just the normal interaction. But a week later we received a text from a random number saying he met this "persistent American on a bus the other day and wanted to learn more." So we set up an appointment and went to meet him. He (Lewis) had brought his sister, Alisha, and his friend Dan to the appointment. Sadly, they had heard some untrue things about commandments from someone who was a member but hadn’t attended church in 32 years. They spent the lesson explaining to us why they weren't going to follow commandments and how they didn't even believe in God.

Working in the garden with the
ward mission president's daughter.
Playing dress up!
We have heard that before from people, and it didn’t phase us. We simply invited them to the sports activity that was scheduled a couple days later so they could just meet some members, not thinking it would have much of an outcome.

Much to my dismay, two days later, in walked Lewis, Alisha and this time they brought along their brother Myles. They were so excited to share the news with us... that they wanted to know if God was there for them, and of course, we told them He is! They also surprised us and told us they had decided follow the commandments that we had talked about before.
Ad on a bus.

Sister Sahlberg and Sister Abeling.
We explained the important steps back to God included repentance and a change in heart and that the first step back to God was into the baptism waters. We showed them the baptism font and taught them about baptism and God’s great love for each of them. It was a powerful and spiritual experience!

They accepted an invitation to be baptized and began working right then and there to make changes in they lives and to follow the commandments. They decided to bring their less active friend to one of our lessons – he was humbled by the spirit and has since returned back to church after a long 32-year gap! Not only him, but his mother (who also hadn’t attended in a long time) decided to join them as well.
Lewis and Myles

Sunday, July 30, we witnessed Lewis and Myles take that first step, they were baptized! They have completely changed since we first met them, now they believe in God, they believe in his commandments, and have made his gospel a part of who they are. It truly warms my heart! Now, Lewis and Myles will receive the priesthood in two weeks, and Lewis is working towards baptizing his sister Alisha after her wedding. He told us he wants to start preparing to serve a mission!! Since we met Lewis on the bus, he has helped bring six souls back into his Heavenly Father’s arms! He will make an awesome missionary!! And to think it all started with a small football bracelet. Well, way more than a football bracelet, but I do know the Lord needed them in his kingdom, and he needed them to help bring all these children back to him.

Sister Abeling loves meeting
the people of England!
This experience is a testimony of how much he loves these people, and how much the spirit can change hearts.  They know who they are and what they can become. They emulate the Love of God. They are a personal testimony that the gospel is real. There's no way they could have changed if it weren't for the truth of our Savior Jesus Christ and His infinite atonement.   
Getting her animal fix with a hedgehog.

I have had so many wonderful, and spiritual, experiences on my mission so far. I have met many great people who have made sacrifices to make changes in their lives to bring them closer to God. Their commitment to the Lord is astonishing and inspiring. I’m so blessed to witness these changes and see the joy and happiness that emulates from them. The people here are awesome. I love them! And, I love my mission!

Sister A in the UK

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

His Infinite Atonement

We’ve had more miracles as we follow the promptings of the spirit. While tracting, we felt impressed to stop and knock on a door and when the woman opened the door, she said, “Jesus was knocking on my door through you!” We told her we were sent there by the still small voice of the spirit. She had been praying for some answers to questions and we were very happy to provide them to her.

Look what I found while
taking the tube?!
Another day, we received a very strong and distinct impression to go down a particular street on the one side. After knocking on a few doors, we reached the home of an elderly woman who’s daughter and granddaughter were there. The granddaughter, who is about 10, asked questions to learn more about Jesus Christ and baptism. After chatting with her and her mom, we discovered her mom and grandmother were members who were no longer actively attending church. We have been invited back to continue sharing messages of Christ and His great love for them.

Me with my new
companion, Sister Suyavia!
Seagulls near the White Cliffs.
Easter has been incredible on my mission! I’ve been able to truly focus on the Savior, His mission and His infinite atonement for all of us. Although we weren’t invited to spend the day with members, my awesome companion and I were able to enjoy Easter by immersing ourselves in the wonderful videos of Jesus Christ that are on while we gave ourselves hair and facial masks!

A view from our
apartment building's roof top.
While reminiscing of Easters past, I felt a little sad knowing that no one was at Grandma Abeling’s house; no attending their little church and doing the Easter egg hunt with the little kids. Life has definitely changed since her passing but memories will stay with me forever. Plus, I know I will see her in the next life; what hope and peace that gives me!

Sister A in the UK!