Monday, February 27, 2017

First week in Ashford with my new companion

My new companion, Sister MuraKane and me!
This transfer to Ashford has been simply amazing! I love my new companion so much; Sister MuraKane is flipping hilarious and has chill vibe to her. I have lots to learn as a trainer and she is learning the ropes of being a missionary; so we are both in learning mode. It’s great!

This week we found 12 new investigators! So cool to witness the Lord’s work through us! We will have our first baptism in Ashford in three weeks – a gentleman named Sorin, from Romania! It’s just so exciting to see how the gospel is spreading and how it is helping to change so many lives for the better! It is the greatest blessing to be involved in the Lord’s great work! So thankful for my decision to go on a mission to share the gift of Jesus Christ with others!

Ashford is great! It’s a larger city than Mildenhall was and there are so many people and shops! The whole ward is 100 percent British and the members are great at feeding us, so I've been eating a lot of curry – gross, but I'll have to learn to like it.

Ashford is near the ocean, so today we went to a place they call the “white cliffs.” It is so incredibly beautiful here!! A big storm named “Doris” moved in and is super windy and rainy – we got soaking wet today! But we had an awesome time anyway!

Today’s such a busy day with very little time to write, so will hopefuly share more next week. I love you all so much!! 

Keep smiling; life is great!

Sister A in the UK

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

The first baptism!

This week was amazing – the highlight of my mission so far! Daniel got baptized on Saturday! Woahhh! 

Sister Mura, Daniel and me!
Man such a beautiful thing to watch – someone you've found and taught get baptized. To witness his transformation in just six weeks is such a blessing and a miracle. He has taken the Word of Wisdom to heart and is following the commandments he has learned! He is such a miracle! His confirmation was so powerful. The blessing made me cry. It talked about many spiritual things that indicate how important he is to the Lord! To witness the change of heart in people that comes with the gospel is indescribable. He is just so happy! Sooooo cool!

A door just my size!
Daniel will receive the priesthood next week and will be able to baptize one of his sons and a young daughter. We are teaching his 19-year-old son who came to the baptism. He said he felt the spirit so strongly there; such a testament to that special ordinance. The whole family is growing; it's so amazing!!

I feel like part of the reason I was called to this mission is because I promised Daniel in the pre-mortal life that I would find him and share the gospel with him!

I'm getting transferred to Ashford tomorrow. And holy flipping cow, I will be the training missionary for a new missionary, Sister MuraKane from Hawaii. Talk about being thrown into the deep end! Haha! But at least I'll learn how to swim! ;) It will be really good and I'm very excited!!! Oh my stars! I'm so excited to meet Sister Murakane! I'll move tomorrow, but will be in London most of the day for training meetings. It's going to be great – I'm excited! Hopefully I don't suck at training this poor girl but I know if I just trust the Lord he will do all the work through me!
Free cupcakes
from a by-passer!

FaceTiming with our
"Mission Mom,"
Sister Stevens
I'm really sad to leave this area, the wonderful people of Mildenhall and my awesome companion, Sister Mura. We have so many people we are teaching and who are progressing toward baptism. AND, we found so many new people just this week! We have been so blessed; we've found four families to teach! Our numbers for church attendance sky rocketed this transfer. The Lord is really blessing this area!!! He's amazing; He's led us to so many amazing people!!! It
My District
will be sad leaving the ward and the people we are teaching, but I know they're in good hands! Sister Adams is coming to replace me; she's amazing; she’s funny, spiritual and the best!  She was in my room at the MTC. I love her! I know Sister Mura and Sister Adams will take really good care of the wonderful people here in Mildenhall.

The weather has been great this week! We even had some sun for a couple hours, which really made me happy! You never realize how much you appreciate the sun until you never get it anymore. It was so beautiful; it didn't feel like England!

I love you guys so much! Have a wonderful week you beautiful people!! I love

Monday, February 6, 2017

The Waters of Baptism

Waters of baptism
are getting ready!
This week was awesome! We had such an amazing Sunday; I think it'll go down as one of the best Sundays ever! Seven people, including two who were less active who we have been working with, all came to church! It's been over 20+ years for some of them!!! So cool! And they bore their testimony! The spirit was just super strong in testimony meeting!!! So neat!! I cried because I could just really feel the love the Lord has for these people and how happy he was to see them in the church for the first time ever or back for the first time in a long time. It was just so cool!

Sister Mura and me with the
Ellis kids! Love this family!
Daniel is getting baptized next week!! It'll be my first baptism on my mission!! So exciteddddddddddddddd!!!!!!! He's so ready and I can't wait to watch him take this step!

Then Joanne, a 17-year old, is following right behind Daniel, probably the week after that! She's amazing, she's a referral from a member who looked up the church on the website and wanted to be baptized!! So neat! So cool! You don’t see many 17 year olds wanting to make a change like this in their life! So
happy for her!

We are still waiting for the papers for Bob, Louis and Jian Zhen so their family can be baptized, but I know they'll come – I just gotta keep praying.

Pictures below are from a local shop where we can find the only free WIFI here, a missionary in my district (he looks like a giant next to me), and another pic of our flat!
Only place with free WIFI!
Our cute kitchen!
My giant friend!
I love you all! Have a wonderful week

Sister A in the UK