Tuesday, April 18, 2017

His Infinite Atonement

We’ve had more miracles as we follow the promptings of the spirit. While tracting, we felt impressed to stop and knock on a door and when the woman opened the door, she said, “Jesus was knocking on my door through you!” We told her we were sent there by the still small voice of the spirit. She had been praying for some answers to questions and we were very happy to provide them to her.

Look what I found while
taking the tube?!
Another day, we received a very strong and distinct impression to go down a particular street on the one side. After knocking on a few doors, we reached the home of an elderly woman who’s daughter and granddaughter were there. The granddaughter, who is about 10, asked questions to learn more about Jesus Christ and baptism. After chatting with her and her mom, we discovered her mom and grandmother were members who were no longer actively attending church. We have been invited back to continue sharing messages of Christ and His great love for them.

Me with my new
companion, Sister Suyavia!
Seagulls near the White Cliffs.
Easter has been incredible on my mission! I’ve been able to truly focus on the Savior, His mission and His infinite atonement for all of us. Although we weren’t invited to spend the day with members, my awesome companion and I were able to enjoy Easter by immersing ourselves in the wonderful videos of Jesus Christ that are on lds.org while we gave ourselves hair and facial masks!

A view from our
apartment building's roof top.
While reminiscing of Easters past, I felt a little sad knowing that no one was at Grandma Abeling’s house; no attending their little church and doing the Easter egg hunt with the little kids. Life has definitely changed since her passing but memories will stay with me forever. Plus, I know I will see her in the next life; what hope and peace that gives me!

Sister A in the UK!

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Giving my will to the Lord

Sister Murakane and me
This week was transfers and sadly my companion, Sister Murakane is being transferred to a new area. I really grew to love her! She's so amazing!! My new companion is Suyavia from the Ukrain. She was actually in my flat in the MTC, so I already know her! She is so sweet. She’s quiet and doesn’t speak a lot of English so it will be a little difficult from a communication standpoint, but I’m looking forward to being with her; it will be so cool to be with someone from my MTC group.
I love being on my mission. Some people think being away from home, family and school for 18 months is a sacrifice, but it really isn’t, it's what I'm supposed to be doing. I’m so grateful for my Savior and His great sacrifice for me, for all of us. I’ve come to better understand the Atonement and even though I have so much more to learn, it is incredible to think about Jesus Christ turning His will to His Father. The only true thing I can give the Lord is my will; my will to do whatever he asks of me, and then go and do it without hesitation. The lord took no hesitation to save us from our sins and to accomplish the Atonement, he gave his all, the least I could give is my will for not only these 18 months but for eternity. Without him life would be impossible, unbearable, immovable. But with Him, life is eternal.

With all of my Love, 
Sister A in the UK