Monday, September 11, 2017

Prayers are answered and miracles happen!

I received my
birthday gift from home!
I'm so thankful that Grampa is ok! I was a little worried with Hurricane Irma heading straight for Punta Gorda. But as I prayed for a miracle, and studied the scriptures, my heart was put at ease. The Lord really does answer our prayers in so many ways. I know Grampa’s guardian angels were on full duty Sunday. As I was studying Doctrine & Covenants 31 (I love this chapter), it always puts my mind and heart at ease when I have struggles. In verse 5 where it states, "…your family shall live…", I knew that was God's promise to me that Grampa would be safe. I pray their home is also safe with little or no damage.

I had such a wonderful birthday! Sharon and Vikkie Essex surprised me with a very lovely party complete with my own tiara and a beautiful English Build-A-Bear! I will always remember them and all the wonderful people of Romford for helping me feel at home here! They made turning 20 away from home so much fun!

Me with my companion and
Lady, Vikkie Essex's horse!
I love singing time with
the little Primary kids!
My crazy district

You may find it hard to believe, but I have had the great opportunity to use my Spanish skills! It is so surprising to me that I am improving in Spanish while I'm out here! I’ve been studying the Book of Mormon in Spanish and have taught a few lessons in this beautiful language! This week a member in our ward who only speaks Spanish gave us a referral for her friend who also only speaks Spanish!! I'm so excited and can’t wait to begin teaching her and her three children! I'm so grateful for this opportunity to use my Spanish skills because I originally I wanted to serve a Spanish-speaking mission! But the Lord has been able to provide the best of both worlds by allowing me this opportunity while in England! He knows me so personally! I love it!!
Lewis and Miles' baptism

Miracle!! This week it was pouring and we had like 30 minutes before we had to head back home. We were one minute away from our appointment and I saw this guy with a little girl. I had to stop and talk to him. Turns out he's super interested in learning more about our Savior Jesus Christ and His great Plan of Happiness!! He has12 kids! Twelve!!! They are also interested. Twelve souls are coming home all because of the rain!! I love the rain....shhh don't tell Heavenly Father I said that, He'll make it pour!! 
Lewis and Miles 
receive the Priesthood!

This week was very good! I really am learning how to give everything to the people I serve, to give my whole soul to the Lord. It is a lot of work but work that is filled with so much love – totally worth all the effort! I love it!

I really love my Savior and He really loves me. It's cool because as I was saying my prayer yesterday, the bright sunny day turned into a thunderstorm out of the blue. We haven't had a thunderstorm since I’ve been here and I really miss them as and they calm me down a lot.  It was just proof to me that He knows what I need. Gosh I just love that man with my whole heart!

With member Dave and his friend Vinny

It's been a great week; every week is a great week as a missionary!! I love you all so much! God is real; Jesus Christ is real and this gospel is the real deal. I love all the miracles that are occurring as I serve the Lord. I love the people I get to teach and serve, and I most certainly love my Heavenly Father and His son, Jesus Christ!